
måndag 11 september 2017

Yet another image of Akira.

I am happy with the results. Thank you for your patience.
Edit: Keen-eyed visitors might have noticed a slight change, I flipped the mirror, woops!

I think you could could have guessed it, I found faults. Some lines was not marked enough and most notably, her eyes and nose. I had placed them to high up and looked over the fact she actually has tareme styled eyes when of the lighter mood. The nose was displaced, flattening her face.
With this said. This is the absolute final grace period this image is going to get. I will leave this as usual up for a small period. Then I will upload it to various places and perhaps, crawl back wounded, broken but not defeated. A small tribute that won't matter to anyone else, but for me a huge personal victory. It feels better than cumming.

Everything is now sorted out, I also raised her eyebrows a bit. Leaving this up now so I can spot anything. If I don't find anything that wrong It is done.

  • Eyes
  • Hair
  • Top
  • Background
  • Pants
  • Gloves
  • Bike
  • Rearviewmirror

I had some real problem with my will to finish this one. But I am starting to reigning it in as I do want to be done with this as soon as possible since I want to finish the Rolloween picture as well.
Major changes in this version is the pants and the gloves. I have started to play around with reflecting surfaces more (You can spot this easiest on the Knuckles, I like that effect a lot).

  • Eyes
  • Hair
  • Top
  • Background
  • Pants
  • Gloves
  • Bike
  • Rearviewmirror

I've made a list with things that I must look over, once that is done I am calling it.
It includes:
  • Eyes
  • Hair
  • Top
  • Background
  • Pants
  • Gloves
  • Bike
  • Rearviewmirror

Last but not least is color adjusting, adding effects and that. It goes fairly quick and I try to keep it very subtle.

Last stretch, fixing small stuff and colors, then the finishing touches. Heads up, but eyes might change again, not sure.

Mostly colors, going for a spring type of light which is closer to a cool yellow.

I have a slight hunch that this project as a whole is a big mental hurdle for me to complete. The only thing I want to ask from you is please be patient and send me your energy to muster through this.

I retouched the torso, neck and arms. When I looked at it in the previous version, something in my mind got caught in that area so I had to investigate what it was. What I found was that some muscles was not properly aligned with the torso and once I "reattached" some parts started to fall in place.

Cleaning and adjusting, I backtracked on the nose and will look over it at least one more time. Other than that, laying in the colors and fixing invisible forms that is created by the darks.

Small fixes day 3: Erased a few lines and moved the background a bit.

Small fixes day 2: I noticed that her face got oblong after erasing parts of her hair, turns out I actually took out parts of her skull as well in doing that. I also fixed her nose a bit.

Got a bad schedule this week so I might only be able to do small fixes. I pulled back the profile and de-tomatofied her a bit.

Adjusting, mostly trying myself around to see if I want to keep it or not.


Sorting out the bike and have started on sorting out the background.

Fixing up the gloves and adjusting pants. If you might have noticed that the colors are all over the place don't worry, that is one of the last steps I will fix. I am noticing that they do not follow the light source guidance at all, in order to move work forward I am postponing it until the late stages. Right now I find that the underlying structure is more important to sort our so the colors are just fillers in the same play-zone I think I was going for when I originally started.
It feels very cold now is my first thought.

Pantsu ( I actually have drawn them but they are hidden underneath). I've also found old notes of this project which I am going through to see if I can revise some old thoughts.

Yes, another one I know. This one is actually special for me, it was the one that made me face the truth about my anatomy, form and linework that it was not acceptable on any fronts at all and thus set me on a 3 year anatomical/form study (not exclusive to anime/cartoon, mostly real life). As I hope you can imagine, completing this one will hold a lot of symbolical value to me and my cause to become the best. Most of the time in life the personal hindrances are some of the important tasks to complete as they are the ones that forces you to become better.
With that said, 3 years of working on and off has made the original messy and will need some time to be properly sorted out so it might take a few days.

As a bonus, this is how it looked when I decided that I needed to face the truth.

I've lost the comfy pose over the years. trading it from an almost L shape to a J shape.