
tisdag 16 maj 2017

An Update

Some time during me working with the Darkstalkers (It is on hold for a bit) image I came to the conclusion that I need to gather, sort out and order all my notes, research and studies on anatomy If I want to move forward. And when I did, I sorted out a lot of muddy waters that I might have been deliberately postponing for reasons such as not wanting to stop studying (unconsciously wanting to hinder progress and sabotaging for myself).

However, I also figured that I would have to treat myself something nice for a change as well, so I bought a Cintiq! I have spent some time adjusting to it and I am nothing short of amazed by it.
There are some issues with old techniques that I have to discard as non viable.

Tl;dr: I almost wrote a book, bought a Cintiq and slayed some dragons.