
måndag 10 november 2014

JRPG Party. Beta 1

Well, I felt I could put these up now, aiming to finishing them off this week to able to focus on the others. The focus in general has been to broad and slowed me down, but. It really feels like I am sitting on a pretty well developed story for some reason. Funny since the whole point was just to design some JRPG characters I thought would be neat.

Anyway, once these are done with these three I am going to sit down and present a little essay of sorts. This project does not only serve as a means to get some portfolio pieces. But as a way for me to really get into what makes good character design.
I have seen many asking about it and I myself is looking for an answer to it. But when I read around about it, I find myself not agreeing to what I am reading, to me it feels more of Paul Marketing thing that dictates what is good. I am certainly not a industry expert on this subject and I am not looking to reinvent the wheel, I am just curious about what "IT" is when it comes to visual character design. So I have deconstructed and played a few games that was released on SNES ( in my opinion the era where they mastered character design). And tried my best to deconstruct it.

Anyway, later this week perhaps. Aight?