Done! I was already happy with how it looked before going into the "grace period". And I did actually meet the deadline!
Small details left, then done.
Handle, rest of candy then clean up lines and adjust colors.
I am not going to go the usual extreme that I do, going to keep the candy simple.
Mostly got cleaning left after that!
Yet another cute girl from Capcom, this time I have already done a lot of progress already since I started this last year in hope of completing it before halloween. To no surprise I didn't, that is why I am going to complete it this year! (Swedish date).
So far I have had to establish some measurements and move shapes around, most of it is actually ok from the start, which makes me relived and happy that I might have learned at least something.
I promise that next work will not be a Capcom character, I sware on me mum.