I've been torn between this project and others now to the point of not doing anything at all except sketching. However I am nearing the point of which I feel happy about how they look.
I really like them overall and do not want to cluster their designs up with details.
Had to dump some ideas into a wholly new character and say hello to Joseph, fast sword and steady shield.
And I gave her a name finally, Lyra. I am also thinking of actually going back to the level up screens now as most of the stuff is worked out.
Cleaning up, added a carrying strap to her quiver so it would look like it take some weight of from the belt. The dagger was first meant to be worked into the quiver which I might revisit, but for the moment I don't like how it looked for her. Still no name.
Small design changes.
Fixed the circlet.
Slight color change and added som jewelry. Though I will go over the shape of the circlet since it is warping her head. No name yet!
I worked a bit on the elf, no name yet. She will have a fairly simple design that will take advantage of her hair. Regarding the different eyes, I have not yet settled on how they should look.
Shook around with her design and parts of her face. Also gave her a name - Hedvig.
I gave her shoulder armor and managed to work in a bag. Overall I think her design is starting to turn out well.
Cleric got most of the my scarce attention this week. I am mostly happy with how she is turning out when I fix the anatomy. Boobplate and high-heels are deliberate.
Posting some progress.
I've made some changes since we last saw this guy, mostly moved some parts, fixed anatomy and added some very light armor on his feet. As you can see by the animation doodles at the side his focus of attention is going to be around his arms which I am imagining him using to wrestle and pin bigger monsters, grabbing smaller ones and using them as shields and lifting heavy things in general.
I have worked the least on elf as I am overall pleased with her, but I "fleshed" out her movement patterns and decided to put more emphasis on her hair, going so far that she even uses it in attacks. She also gained the ability to bounce on foes, which design-wise means her boots now will stand out more. Also in contrast to the warrior she tames larger monsters instead of outright beat them into submission like the warrior do.
Updated the Cleric as well, redoing her stance a bit and looking over the dress a bit.
I had to go back and flesh out the designs of all the characters since I found myself stopping to often and wonder about what to do next. I recognized this a a massive time waster during my work process and decided to fix this by encouraging myself to plan things out more instead of just going with the flow.
Immediately I ran into some troubles with how I drew male heads that have larger jaw portions than regular.
To explain that process, I use measurements in X (Brows to bottom of nose) to get the measure of Z (Think of the distance from eyes to ears/jaw). When the jaw portion is larger than the specified X area, it ends up making the head compact. So with a little bit of experimenting I came to the conclusion that after the lenght from the bottom of nose to the chin becomes larger than the lenght between brows and nose, it will take the place as the deciding factor in Z, this does not apply when it is smaller.
Example of the problem. Left, Z is based on the Brow-Nose Distance. Right is based on Nose-Chin. |
So to put it plainly:
Brow-Nose = Nose-Chin, It doesn't matter what decides the Z
Brow-Nose > Nose-Chin, Brow-Nose decides the Z
Brow-Nose < Nose-Chin, Nose-Chin decides the Z
So now I am in the process of updating my notes.
That said.
Here are the current sheets.
Cleric is clad in plate armor and a dress. Her main weapons are maces and "prayers", she prepares to quickcast them by taping them on the inside of her shield, I did ponder about the idea of making her enchant her mace by reading the runes inscribed on the flanges but decided against that. I will save that idea though.
Not that much on elf, she is quite generic with a mischievous attitude. That's most of it I am afraid.
This guy has obviously had most of my attention so far, he even got a name and slight motivations to start his journey. The true heir of Contland, Magnus the warrior, his motivations is to avenge and rebuild the legacy of his ancestors fallen kingdom.
He uses two-handed weapons and fists.
I touched up the warrior a bit and currently in the process of fixing the structure, had to take this week slow due to some eye trouble (contact lenses). I am having some trouble in how to present progress with these since I am doing three at the same time. So far I have set up checkpoints that I follow, problem is that I bounce between them to refresh my eyes faster.
This is the OC I said I was working on in-between adjusting the real life measurements I use when I draw men and women that looks more real than Anime. You might remember two of these character from a previous post, now I feel confident in not finishing them but also adding more. I might also add a proper character sheet to them to convey their designs better.